Life always reminds us of what we don't have and where we are flawed, and it's easy to convince ourselves that we care about health while acting from a place of obsession, fear, and compulsion. For years, I lived off the shame of my insecurities and was controlled by food guilt, body beliefs, and a crippling fear of gaining weight while convincing myself that I was happy and healthy.
I've learned that we cannot hate ourselves into self-improvement or happiness, and without a steady underlying acceptance for my body at any weight, I was avoiding facing my own internalized weight stigma and lived in fear. As I continually learn about my body, metabolism, and nutritional sciences, I not only actively challenge parts of our diet-centric culture, but also practice how to deliberately step away from these beliefs to act from a place of self compassion.
I find joy in celebrating the way my body moves and makes me feel strong, and everyday I am working to reclaim the truth about my lovability, value, and inherent worth.