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The Morality of Hunger

Writer's picture: elenaaelenaa

Updated: May 13, 2020

Hunger is an inevitable part of everyday, and serves as a constant reminder of our mortality. At the end of the day, we are just humans.

Since when did fulfilling a biological need become reflective of our worth, wealth, values, and morals.

Since when did eating a carrot make us a saint whereas eating a donut makes us gluttonous.

Why do we add so much meaning to the simple act of meaning? Why have we created a culture of so-called “health” and “fitness” that perpetuates disordered eating standards under the guise of wellness? Why have we embedded anxiety, guilt, fear, and obsession with food? Why have we made the simple act of choosing what to eat at a meal become indicative of our morals and worth?

The last thing I want to do is add to the fat phobia rhetoric in the media. I want to acknowledge the privilege I have to be able to say that “eating intuitively” is freeing - to be able to act so and have a certain physique and the financial means to do so. I simple want to advocate for a narrative that predicates one’s self worth on something so much greater than one’s body. I want to spread positivity admits such a negative, competitive, and judgmental culture around food and body image.

Food freedom and finding self acceptance isn’t just limited to eating a donut every now and then or adding extra chocolate to your ice cream; it’s accepting your body as it is in this moment and not letting your feelings about your body affect the way you live your life now. It’s having the ability to accept that your body is the way it is right now, and even if that is not what you deem acceptable or ideal, that you (as a human being) are worth having your needs be met and fulfilled. That even if you don’t have a six pack, or toned legs and arms, that you are just as deserving of fulfilling your cravings as someone who might be naturally shaped in that way. It’s not comparing yourself to people around you, and understanding that someone else’s beauty does not take away from your own.

Why do we live in a culture of comparison?

We assume that following someone around for a day, eating as they eat, and moving as they move will produce the same results for us as it does for them. We believe that because the people we compare to ourselves are seemingly perfect, we are lesser than them. We compare ourselves to people doing more than us, and see ourselves as less motivated, diligent, or lack as much self control as they do.

Since when was it acceptable to stick our nose in other people’s business and the way they live their lives? Let x eat whatever she wants, move however she wants, and wear what she wants and know that you have the freedom to live your own unique life. Understand that what x does may not work for you, and it is a blessing to gift what works for your body. Constantly comparing our lives, bodies, appearances, and lifestyle habits to everyone around us only fosters jealousy and leaves us feeling unfulfilled.

We compare ourselves to a fantasy - the seemingly perfect life, body, experiences, and appearances of the photoshopped, staged, and perfectly crated images we are bombarded with. We are living our lives under a standard that doesn’t exist.

We are making ourselves unhappy.

Disclaimer: This blog provides general information and discussions about health and related subjects. The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or emergency services immediately.


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